Dr. Bobbi Barends, Vice President and Campus Director, Delaware Technical Community College
Dr. Mark T. Brainard, President, Delaware Technical Community College
The Honorable Michael H. Vincent, Council President, Sussex County
8:15 – 8:50 Brenda Whitehurst, Moderator 1 Million Cups
Rick Ewing, Eagle Wing Hot Sauce
Susan Ryan, Good Earth Market & Organic Farm
8:50 – 9:10 Celebrating 25 Years: The Secret to Our Success
Dr. Bobbi Barends
9:10 – 9:20 Sussex County Snapshot
Ed Simon, Workforce Analyst, Retired from DEDO
9:20 – 9:45 "Hot Topic!" The Future of Transportation
The Honorable Jennifer Cohan, Delaware Secretary of Transportation
9:45 – 10:00 Break 10:00 – 11:00 Dr. Bill McGowan, Moderator Panel: Celebrate the Past, Envision the Future
The Honorable Susan Bunting, Delaware Secretary of Education
Dwayne Kilgo, Director of Information Technology, Sussex County Government
Jay Baxter, Farm Manager, Baxter Farms Incorporated
11:10 – 11:30 Breakout Session 1
Digging Deeper Into the Data - Rooms 535 A&B Ed Simon, Workforce Analyst, Retired from DEDO
Multitalented and Multicultural: How to Harness the Power of Sussex County’s Growing Diversity - Rooms 535 C&D Patricia Rivera, Owner, Hook PR & Marketing
Driving into the Future! - A Model for Private/Public Partnerships - Rooms 555 A&B Charlie Burton, Owner, IG Burton Auto Dealerships Terry Megee, President, Megee Motors Santosh Viswanathan, Managing Partner, Willis Ford
What if . . . You Could Pose an Idea That Could Shape the Future of Sussex County? - 555 C&D Dr. Bobbi Barends, Vice President and Campus Director, Delaware Technical Community College Brenda Whitehurst, Planning Team Member, Sussex County Today and Tomorrow Conference
11:40 – 12:00 Breakout Session 2
Digging Deeper Into the Data - Rooms 535 A&B Ed Simon, Workforce Analyst, Retired from DEDO
Multitalented and Multicultural: How to Harness the Power of Sussex County’s Growing Diversity - Rooms 535 C&D Patricia Rivera, Owner, Hook PR & Marketing
Driving into the Future! - A Model for Private/Public Partnerships - Rooms 555 A&BCharlie Burton, Owner, IG Burton Auto Dealerships Terry Megee, President, Megee Motors Santosh Viswanathan, Managing Partner, Willis Ford
What if . . . . . You Could Pose an Idea That Could Shape the Future of Sussex County? - 555 C&D Dr. Bobbi Barends, Vice President and Campus Director, Delaware Technical Community College Brenda Whitehurst, Planning Team Member, Sussex County Today and Tomorrow Conference
12:10 – 12:30 Envision the Future of Sussex County
Todd F. Lawson, County Administrator, Sussex County Government